Sally is a high profile award winning Barrister.
Outside of this role she is also a Public Speaker, Leader, Radio Broadcaster & Contributor, Diversity Leader, Patron and Board Member and most importantly a Proud Mother of three.
She leads on, champions and supports a wide range of diversity related initiatives and projects. This is done as voluntary work across a number of diversity strands (such as gender, ethnicity and social background & well being at the Bar.)
Regularly speaking and spearheading change on this important issues at various forums and conferences including at the House of Lords.
She is passionate in her support for Women in Business and leadership and has written about diversity and related issues. Believing in the need to start early she provides free, inspirational talks to thousands of school children and university students annually as well as leadership mentoring & coaching to students and young professionals in her spare time.
Sally is school governor and believes everyone should have the opportunity of a solid, rounded education, also actively sponsoring development opportunities for her mentees whenever she can.