A New Year, New Start.
New chapter but some things stay the same.
I remain an authentic leader. i am setting new years resolutions and goals.
I remain an authentic leader. i am setting new years resolutions and goals.
I am writing down my goals and then I will revisit them this year.
In 2020 I will celebrate 20 years practicing law as a Barrister. As a black professional woman there have been many challenges and continue to be. Resilience and rising about them has been important. As we celebrated 100 years of women in the law it was more apparent that 100 years ago I would not have been able to practice law. Today in 2019 /2020 I can. That is progress. Not all the progress required but some. That we should celebrate along with all the women who came before me who brough legal cases before the sex disqualification removal act came in force on 23 December 1919. Thank yous to Bebb Normington, and to more recent to my role models Lady Dobbs, Baroness Scotland, Anesta Weekes QC and Lady Hale, Dame Hallett and so many others.
I Thank all who support me and my work outside the day job as speaker, thought leader, influencer author and public speaker.
Goals and My books in 2020
I will continue my Talking law podcasts and Looking forward to book launches for
Taking law book celebrating 100 years and also for my
A sense of purpose book as well as
Triple Cs and
Beyond the law book many more to come. Look out for the book launches follow me on twitter. @sallypenni
As I reflect on 100 years anniversary
I thank the legendary women who came before me,
#our Emmeline Pankhurst,
Lady Hale who retires from the Supreme Court on 10 January 2020 the end of an era but exciting new one begins.
I look forward to all the women yet to come. The hundreds of young people I have met in my talks in schools and universities.
And I look forward to meeting All those climbing the ladder as we speak.
I hope the new year brings you happiness.
I am grateful for my family and all that I have achieved and pray for all that I am yet to achieve.
Join me in my January challenge.
Wellbeing wellness and Charity
January challenge is
Dry January and exercise everyday. Exercise is good for the mind and so I have committed to do rex January exercise everyday.
I will be fundraising challenge.
Here’s a link to the page so that you can share it: http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/WomenInthelawuk
I will also be running 6 10k in 6 month. Without injury. Help me! Support me and join in with the challenge or donate to my cause.
This is the year of health. Physical and mental health.
As for My last challenge what lessons did I learn from raising over £1000 I Reflected on New Year’s Day from #sallysparkles campaign for charity.
So I started #sallysparkles for #charity for everyday for December. It was my unique and ridiculous idea for a just and good causes. I applaud everyone who liked the page, joined in, and above all donated. As little as a £1 to more . Every penny counts. There were many hard days especially for the day jobs.
It has been tricky, heart warming, stressful when in court, I even made it to the Supreme Court in #sallySparkles for #charity.
What have I learned? Reflecting today, I did enjoy it ..at times but what I have discovered is that one doesn’t need glitter, sequins or to be flashy to sparkle. As long as one has a sparkly heart we can all make a small difference. So whilst I may be forever #sallysparkles for #charity and #sallypenni #Hhjpenni to some but to others, #sallysparkles for #charity has made me realise all I need is a sparkly heart to do good deeds. To be a role model.
To encourage others ?
To be a descent human being.
Thank you all for your donations for #access to justice and Children’s charities.
Join me in my next challenge
What makes you sparkley?
Who sparkles in your life?
What is your sparkliest moment in life.
Thank you for sparkling with me. Still time to donate here
Please Support #SallySparkles for #Charity
Sally Penni, Barrister at Law, FRSA, CCMI, MPSA, NED, and founder of Women in the Law UK will be wearing glitter, sequins and sparkles every day of December for #childrenscharities and #accessforjustice
From a brooch, tie pin to a full outfit wear as much or as little as you want men, women and children join in.
What’s next?
In the next decade I would like to plan for career progression of some sort…… watch this space.
I hope to encourage many more women to be #entrepreneurs and sit on boards and or start their own businesses.
In school I hope to motivate and inspire many young people and young women to consider the law as a career.
As for senior women I hope to encourage more of them to consider applications for QC, the bench, partnerships and more.
Finally I hope to spend more time with my family. I wish them happy health because I have seen that health is everything. I feel lucky to be a proud mother of 3.
In the mean time wishing you all the best for 2020 and the decade before us.
Listen to January’s podcast here with Rachel Roberts Talking Law” hosted bySally on Apple podcasts, TuneIn Stitcher Google podcasts or stream them all here: https://lnkd.in/gPY8kYD
Until next time