Good bye to national treasure, legends and my dear friend.
How do you describe your work mentor, colleague and friend?
What do you want your human footprints to be?
I have been too upset to write anything meaningful about my dear friend, colleague John Broadley who just died. One thing I can say is this Saturday evening was truly sad day for the Northern Circuit. John Broadley was born in Oldham in 1951 & proposed to the Circuit by Benet Hytner QC. He was universally popular, talented and fun! Everyone will have a good memory of John. We extend our condolences to his family and his very many friends.
John was a wonderful barrister, he was fun, caring & a true gent. He had many stories to tell and he told me most of them. He told me not leave the Bar when I wanted to because a female judge had been rude to me. He was kind and generous and never complained of my “lateness” & he faked a heart attack in gest at my early arrival for coffee!
But above all he was my friend and I shall miss him so so dearly.
John would not describe himself as a feminist but he really understood my work with Women in the Law UK and even attended dinner at which Lady Hale was my guest speaker.
Despite ill health I never believed this day would come.
The end of era. I miss him already, RIP John.
This was sad news but then I had received other news too, the death of Denise Johnson.
A week ago myself and Women in the Law UK were so very sad to hear of the sad death of Denise Johnson.
She was only 53 years old, a total shock. A wonderful lovely woman and a great supporter of our work and me. My thoughts are with her friends and family, Rose Marley, Karen Gabay and so many who knew and loved her.
Denise sang with several bands including Primal scream, an amazing voice and person.
She was a British legend and a Manchester icon, she had her debut album coming out in September 2020. The nation mourns for her.
A dear dear friend of Rose Marley Karen Gabay #mrsmanchester #queenofManchester #legend
And then as if not already emotional the poem by Argh kid made me cry because Tony Morris died.
The poem on ITV Granada made me cry. It was on this week’s Granada Reports tribute to Tony Morris and was the most watched programme of 2020, with almost 40% of those watching TV tuning in. Incredible really, in a year of so much groundbreaking news, in the words of @arghkid.. “a true northern son”
Tony was a lovely man and lovely to me.
From foster kid to award winning newsreader, Tony’s career broke down barrier after barrier.
My self and #womeninthelawuk sending love to so many who knew him well and loved him, especially to his two daughters and family.
One thing is for sure, John JB will be in his element in heaven with these two and my uncle who died in June of this year.
JB died on 1st August and his funeral is on 11 August 2020. I hope to attend but with Covid-19 restrictions there will be a celebration of Johns life at a later date.
I miss him already. I hope his boys and their mum Johns wife Sue find comfort in the lovely tributes. He was a formidable advocate and lawyer in the court room, he loved the job, he loved his chambers, the circuit and he was kind & incredibly generous.
He encouraged me and had high hopes for me and my future career at the Bar.
I miss my friend and mentor already.