January for me is all about goal setting for the year and decade and looking after my wellbeing.

Dry January is almost over. It’s been tough but actually great to give my wellbeing a priority.
Opportunity to focus and on work and exercise. Great to have clarity and connection. This month I met some really inspiring role models and women.
Fabulous @womenofyear alumnae event with our President @julieetchitv asking great questions and the wonderful @bbclysedoucet regaling us with fascinating stories from her extraordinary experiences as @BBCWorld Chief International Corespondent #ExtraordinaryWomen Thanks to @RSMUK for hosting the event.
Thought I was going to have a low key January2020 and low key year? January2020
Perfect end to long court day
Fabulous Women of the Year Lunch and Assembly alumnae event with our President @julieetchitv asking great questions and the wonderful @bbclysedoucet regaling us with fascinating stories from her #extraordinary experiences as @BBCWorld Chief International Corespondent #ExtraordinaryWomen Thanks to @RSMUK for hosting the event.
Lyse Doucet thank you. Carolyn Brown thanks for hosting. Mary Krauss thank you for organising @Susan ball Vivien Zyms Vivienne Artz #thoughtleader #keynotespeaker #empoweryourself #host Women in the Law UK #womeninthelawuk so pleased to meet one of my heroes.
Being inspired On one long working day I managed to squeeze in 3 inspirational women of power in their own right. In the hope that the courage and bravery will rub off me too. Thank you @Gina Miller @Baroness Kennefy if the shaws QC, on @talking law podcast and @Lyset doucet Bbc war correspondent.

Women who inspire me
From War torn areas to news readers These women amaze me. And empower me to carry on doing what I am doing in the law and outside of the law to encourage young people, women and women in business. It was lovely to meet Julie Ethingham again and Lyse doucet
I was immensely privileged to interview and spend tome time with these extraordinary women for my podcast. Tumeric latte is growing on me. These women are Encouraging progression and inspiring women like me. Thank you @Gina miller @miriam gonzalez
Northern power women awards
No I have not won an award.
I am so delighted to see so many brilliant women on the power list and as finalist such
Amanda Newman career mums,
Claire Marie Boggiano
Other Carol Ann whitehead for her work at the UN and wikipaedia
My professional speaking thrives on people recommending me to others, so if you know anyone who’s looking for a powerful and funny female speaker to speak at their event, then please do connect us* and share my details.
I talk to business, employee and leadership audiences about:
• Building your profile
• Confidence
• Presentation skills
• Keynote speaker in Law, Boards and on Diversity and inclusion.
My content is up to date, entertaining and focused on the needs of the audience.
My keynote speeches also give plenty of immediately useable take-aways.
And if you need an Event Host or Moderator to run the event on the day, I’m ace at doing that too.
There’s lots of references available – should you want to suggest me to anyone you know
Events coming up…….
Supporting women in business You can Hear me speak at

Supporting women in business
Sally is an ambassador for Womenoboardsuk
Ambassador for Pankhurst Centre Trust
Ambassador for #woty Women of the year Luncheon Awards Birmigham.
Is part of the Greater Mancgester for women GM4women2028 organisation headed by Dr Helen Pankhurst CBE.
Measuring how women are doing in manchester each year until 2028 and challenging the mayor of manchester Andy Burnham to see if the Suffragette city is still improving for women.

Motivational quote

Since the last blog Megxit has occurred. Both brilliant ambassadors for
Our country. Prince Harry and Meghan I wish them well and the brilliant organisations they support such as the work of the Diana award run by
Tessy Ojo Diana award
We will Ofcourse also now be Brexit by the time of my next blog. A new era will really now begin.
Until next time Join me in my message this year and the new decade in spreading love not hate and for all of us to have empathy.
Supporting Women in business
Supporting the Northern Power house
Delighted to be supporting these awards. I was judge for them for the last 4 out of 5 years since their inception. Great to see them go from strength to strength.
Looking forward to meeting all the brilliant women I nominated who are on the power and future lists. Including
Sharon Amesu iOD
Carol ann whitehead
Claire Marie Boggiano
Tricia Keating
The northern powerhouse and HS2
#NPw and their #wecan #iamnow campaign Reminds me of when I was on the Power list With other great women in 2017. Such as Marnie Millard OBE, Sue Douthwaithe Heather waters natwest a great supporter of the awards.

Why do I have a podcast?
To encourage listeners they can be the best that they can be.
By interviewing leaders to tell their story I hope to inspire encourage others to follow and stay on the law. Exciting high profile coming up to low key ordinary men and women not always talking about the law…
Gina Miller
Baroness Helena Kennedy
Judge Rinder
Lucy Frazer
Until next time Believe in yourself and know you can.