What are you Grateful for?

On my webinars we have been finding something to be grateful for each day during Covid-19.


This led me to ask How resilient are you feeling during the pandemic?


This week I am grateful to friends and colleagues, thank you for this to this message I received from a friend (Amanda).


Good morning, just checking in and to remind you that you are an amazing human who is admired and inspiring. Have a blessed day.


I really loved this message as like so many this week, I must admit the change in weather and the news is affecting all our moods. However, I thrive to find positivity and even the rain has blessings, helping my garden grow beautifully.


Thank you to my colleague’s, I’m so happy for your DMs and text messages about my work and what I am trying to do. Especially welcome during the George Floyd sparked Black Lives Matter UK movement.


It is so important to have a positive a growth mindset and teach our children this as well.